Neck Lift

Dr. Michael Bogdan’s and Dr. Roger Cason’s neck lift patients from Fort Worth, Frisco, and Plano, TX, and surrounding communities often complain about a double chin, jowls, or a “turkey wattle.” This is because as we get older, the skin on the neck becomes thin, lax, and wrinkled, and stubborn fat may accumulate beneath the chin. Sometimes significant weight loss causes or accelerates the same issues. A neck lift in our Grapevine practice corrects these concerns by removing the excess skin, tightening the muscles, and improving the definition of the neck, chin, and jawline.

Neck Lift Before & After Photos

Case: 1 of 9
Before & After Neck Lift Case 480 View #2 View in Fort Worth, Plano, & Frisco, Texas
Before & After
Case: 1 of 8

Neck / Face lift

Before & After Neck Lift Case 550 View #2 View in Fort Worth, Plano, & Frisco, Texas
Before & After
Case: 2 of 8

Neck Lift Case #550

When this very healthy 67 year old woman visited Dr. Bogdan, she was bothered primarily with lower facial aging.  Because she was thin and in good physical shape, her neck bands were very obvious, and she had deep skin creases around her mouth (“lipstick lines”).  A face / neck lift combined with per-oral dermabrasion was performed...
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Before & After Neck Lift Case 406 View #2 View in Fort Worth, Plano, & Frisco, Texas
Before & After
Case: 3 of 8

Case #406

Before & After Neck Lift Case 581 View #2 View in Fort Worth, Plano, & Frisco, Texas
Before & After
Case: 4 of 8

Asymmetric Neck Lift

This 59 year old man disliked his neck, which had always been asymmetric with more laxity and on the left than on the right.  I performed a face / neck lift with open platysmaplasty, and was surprised to find asymmetric muscles in addition to excess fat on the left side.  He is now much happier with his appearance and neck contour.
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Before & After Face Lift Case 764 Left Oblique View in Fort Worth, Plano, & Frisco, Texas
Before & After
Case: 5 of 8

Case #764

This 69-year-old woman from the Dallas-Ft. Worth area presented for facial rejuvenation. She had previously undergone a facelift and upper and lower blepharoplasty several years ago, but developed recurrent platysmas bands (neck bands), jowls, and extra skin. Southlake/Grapevine plastic surgeon Dr. Roger Cason performed a comprehensive faceli...
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Before & After Face Lift Case 52 View #2 View in Fort Worth, Plano, & Frisco, Texas
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Case: 6 of 8

Case #52

This 54 year old woman was bothered by the premature appearance of facial aging caused by significant weight loss (over 75lbs). Weight loss impacts facial aging in two main ways: First, there is a significant volume loss that yields a deflated appearance. Second, the loss of skin elasticity caused by the face being "full" for a number of year...
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Before & After Face Lift Case 773 Right Oblique View in Fort Worth, Plano, & Frisco, Texas
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Case: 7 of 8

Case #773

This 59 year old patient from Oklahoma wanted to improve the appearance of her face, neck, and jowls. Southlake/Grapevine plastic surgeon Dr. Roger Cason performed a facelift and neck lift, along with facial fat grafting. Her result is natural, yet noticeable and does not change the overall characteristics of her face.
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Before & After Neck Lift Case 523 View #1 View in Fort Worth, Plano, & Frisco, Texas
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Case: 8 of 8

Neck Lift Case #523

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Are You a Good Candidate for a Neck Lift?

Depending on genetic factors, facial and neck aging can begin in our 30s, though it is typically first noted in our 40s or 50s. Some people are not ready for a full facelift because the skin on the upper face is still firm and smooth. Skin often begins to lose elasticity in the neck before the face and can cause unwanted sagging and wrinkles. When the neck area doesn’t match the upper face, a neck lift can be a great solution.

In general, good candidates for a neck lift are healthy, nonsmoking women and men who have a positive outlook and realistic expectations from their surgery.

Understanding Neck Lift

Depending on genetic factors, facial aging can begin in our 30s, though typically it is first noted in our 40s or 50s. Due to sun exposure, gravity, and everyday facial expressions, the youthful elastic properties of the skin begin to break down. Skin becomes slack, causing the face to lose form and definition. Deep creases appear between the nose and mouth, the jawline becomes ill-defined as the jowl develops, and folds with fat deposits appear around the neck.

Our surgeons will tailor your operation to specifically address the anatomy of your neck and your pattern of aging to achieve your desired changes. During the consultation, we will sometimes utilize 3D imaging to simulate the expected changes if your anatomy is suitable for use with the software.

  • The traditional neck lift incision typically begins in the hairline near the level of the sideburn. It continues around the ear and to the hair behind it. The neck tissue is repositioned, which often requires removing and redistributing fat. The platysma muscles of the neck are tightened, and the skin is redraped in a more favorable position, providing a more contoured and youthful jawline. This sometimes necessitates a separate incision under the chin to allow for liposuction or better access for the muscle repair.
  • The short-scar facelift, also called a mini facelift, repositions the skin and soft tissues of the face that have been affected by the aging process. The principal difference between a short-scar lift and the traditional facelift is that the short-scar lift utilizes a significantly smaller incision. The incision is similar to the one used in a traditional facelift but ends at the earlobe. The scarring behind the ear is largely or completely eliminated. This facelift procedure may be ideal for younger patients in whom facial aging manifests with the early appearance of a jowl but where neck aging is not so drastic.
  • The limited incision neck lift uses incisions around the ear. Because the incisions are smaller, results may be more limited.

Although a neck lift may take years off your appearance, it is important to understand what it can and cannot do. A neck lift primarily affects the lower half of the face, tightening loose skin in the jowls, jaw line and neck. A midface lift can also lift the cheeks and lower eyelids, but neither procedure does anything to correct signs of aging in the upper face, such as crow’s feet or forehead wrinkles. This is why our Dallas neck lift patients often combine a neck lift with other procedures, such as a forehead lift or BOTOX® Cosmetic injections.

Experience Matters
Meet The Doctors

Get to know Dallas-Fort Worth plastic surgeons Dr. Michael A. Bogdan and Dr. Roger W. Cason of 2301 Plastic Surgery. They are highly credentialed surgeons who share a passion for their craft and a genuine concern for each patient's personalized care.


During recovery, you will be bandaged to help to minimize postoperative swelling. Often, a thin tube will be left in place temporarily to drain excess fluid that could collect under the skin. Our surgeons will give you specific instructions on how to care for your incisions and when to come in for post-op checkups. After the incisions are healed, the scars are typically well-concealed within the hairline and in the contours of the ear. The desired neck lift results appear once swelling and bruising decrease. Patients typically look more youthful and rested without obvious signs of surgery.

Neck Lift FAQs

What are some different neck-firming options?

Despite their enticing claims, creams, serums, and devices do not produce significant or noticeable neck-firming results. Only a surgical procedure can remove excess fat and skin and adjust the underlying muscles that contribute to the undesirable sagging and lined appearance.

What do neck lift incisions look like?

With any plastic surgery, Dr. Bogdan and Dr. Cason minimize the size of the incisions to the extent possible. With neck lift procedures, incisions are typically made behind the ears, which can be easily concealed for both men and women. Because of our surgeons’ extensive degrees of training, they are able to minimize visible scarring with strategic incision placement and meticulous surgical techniques. Every procedure is customized to the specific face and neck of each patient. During your consultation, Dr. Bogdan and Dr. Cason will show you precisely where each incision will be placed.

How much does a neck lift cost?

A neck lift in the DFW area can cost anywhere between $2,600 and $14,400. When comparing fees for this procedure, always take into consideration what the cost includes. The total cost should include the surgeon’s fee, the anesthesia fee, and facility charges. Often, a low advertised price is only the surgeon’s fee and doesn’t include these other expenses.

It is important to remember that both very low and very high prices can be problematic. A high price does not ensure quality, while a low price could signal an underqualified provider and potentially a safety risk. Be sure to choose a plastic surgeon who has completed an accredited training program in plastic surgery and has undergone the rigorous training necessary to complete this procedure safely. Dr. Bogdan and Dr. Cason are among the few plastic surgeons in the country who have accomplished formal post-graduate training in aesthetic surgery. Dr. Bogdan completed an aesthetic fellowship at Manhattan Eye, Ear, & Throat Hospital, and Dr. Cason completed an aesthetic fellowship at the Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute. These are generally regarded as the two most prestigious and selective fellowships in the country.

Are men good candidates for neck lifts?

Often, men complain about their jowls and loose skin but don’t want a neck lift procedure because of fear of scarring or looking unnatural. Modern neck lift technology and procedures can prevent these issues from occurring. Instead of pulling the skin, our surgeons address the different dimensions of the neck, jawline, and face. Treatment is carefully planned in accordance with a patient’s specific features. A neck lift is a great option for a male because it can help create an angular and more masculine profile. Both men and women can be good candidates for the procedure.

Your Next Step

If you would like further information about neck lift surgery, please click here to schedule a consultation with Dr. Bogdan or Dr. Cason, fellowship-trained plastic surgeons in Grapevine, Texas. Our surgeons look forward to meeting with you to discuss your personal goals and establish a treatment plan to achieve them. If you prefer, you can call us at (817) 442-1236 to schedule your appointment.
